All-female Travail In Worship 22 (TIW 22) !! WOW! What and experience.
Travail In Worship Ministry is an All-Female Ministry that is ladened with the burdened of intercession. Groaning in the spirit till something happens. This was what the all-female prayer conference TIW has been about since its inception in 2016.
Due to the Corona pandemic, there was a break in activities of the ministry. Both the prayer and worship conference -TRAVAIL IN WORSHIP (TIW), and the women empowerment conference – SHE BLOSSOMS were put on hold. The SHE BLOSSOMS now went online under the name SISTERS TALK GLOBAL (STG) which still happens every Wednesday on Clubhouse.
After a break for two years due to the pandemic, TIW conference was back again with a big bang. The All-Female ministry TIWM treated patrons to a time of choreography, intense worship and intercession.
The all-female conference started with Mrs Irene Owusu-Basoah leading the opening prayer then Mrs Tina Awarikabey took the audience through a time of adoration and praise.
The All-female Travailing Theatre Ministry choregraphed to a song by Lauren Daigle titled RESCUE.
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Then the Travailing ministers on the bill led the audience to a 1 hour 45 minutes back to back non-stop worship, intercession session. The experience could not be put to words.
The All-Female band then played the intro to their rendition of the Kumama Medley. It got everyone unto their feet and unto the dance floor.
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Rev Maxine Buckman then came to give an exhortation and led and intercession time.
The second session of worship and intercessory prayers took off as the all-female travailing ministers put the nitro on full throttle. This time around people could not stand on their feet any more. The audience, the guests, the singers on stage and the band were all receiving the touch of the Holy Ghost.
The new composition based on the theme BARRENNESS BE GONE was sang and a revival broke forth. The words of the song reads:
Barrenness be gone.
You’re not welcome here. Be gone.
We don’t want you here. Be gone.
Cos’ my Jesus Christ is here
Be gone. Be gone!
Cancer. Be gone!
Barrenness. Be gone!
Diabetes. Be gone!
Covid. Be gone!
Sugyadei. Be gone!
People were being delivered from various conditions and situations in their lives as the chanted Be gone! at their personal issues in raw saturated faith.
The leadership of TIWM have hinted that TIW22 Accra edition is to come off on 4th December 2022. More details will be given as the day draws closer.
SHE BLOSSOMS all-female physical conferences, will also be happen soon, so stay put and prepare yourselves ladies. TIWM is back in full force.
If you wish to become a Travailer and be part of the this all-female ministry, call or WhatsApp us on 0243933122. We do not only need people who can play instruments or sing or dance or do spoken word. We need ladies who love the Lord and prayer and can function in many other areas. Or may be you are a lady and love the ministry and you just want to fellowship with us. Give TIWM a call today.
Follow us on:
Instagram: @TravailersTIWM
Facebook: @TravailersTIWM
Twitter: @TravailersTIWM
TikTok: @TravailersTIWM

Published by: Clement Afreh CBCInc Hypes @clementafreh
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