Hi all, I trust you are doing well?
Go with me on this journey to list things that I think of when planning a wedding. I hope you enjoy this write up on my experience with wedding planning. Feel free to suggest, add, remove and revise any part of the list, and I will do well to update accordingly.
This came up when some asked me about what she should take note of when planning her wedding. And I began writing and writing and writing until it was a whole list. So when I was done, I was like, wow, this can help many couples who are planning their weddings. It could also be useful to wedding planners. So I decided to blog it, just for you.
Let’s get into it shall we? I dedicate this write up to Kukua Adepa, the CEO of Kuks Affair. #foreveradepa19
Your wedding day doesn’t always have to be expensive to be classy and memorable. With some creativity and precise planning, you can plan your big day and make it classic and beautiful, within your budget and, to the admiration of all who come to celebrate with you.
The wedding day is just one day in your long life. After that day, you still have many years of marriage ahead of you. You do not want to squander all your savings on just one day or week or month, depending on how long your ceremony plus honey moon will last.
It has become a norm today that people wish to trend or make a name for themselves, making a statement of wealth, class and their high social standing in the society, or as a competition between peers.
Anyways that is not what I wrote about. I wrote an outline of things that can serve as a guide or a checklist for the D-Day. It is in no particular order (with respect to priority as to what to get first or last). So go through and pick what suits you as a couple.
I made it as comprehensive as possible to give the power of choice to the couple.
For example: If you want a simple wedding, you can answer “NO” to checklist items like, “Will you have a reception or cocktail?” That way you eliminate all that part of the checklist.
Another example. “How many grooms men?” or “How many brides maids?” You can say 0. or just 1, that is, the best man and the maid of honor.
So you are in no way obliged to do every thing on this checklist.
Some couples prefer it simple and less expensive. Your wedding day doesn’t need to be expensive to be classic and memorable. With just a lil creativity and precise planning, you can spice up your big day.
So feel free to say a big “NO” to some of the items on the checklist. In the end you have a summary of the choices you are going for.
Are you ready? Yes? Ok then, take your pen and notepad and float into your world of imagination. Today is your wedding day. ..wedding procession song playing on the organ…
- What is your budget for the entire ceremony from traditional marriage to wedding to honeymoon?
- Will your be employing the services of a wedding planner or coordinator?
- Who is the best man?
- How many groomsmen?
- Is the groom’s outfit ready?
- Are their outfits ready?
- Are they getting their outfits or are you?
- Are the rings in the inner suit pocket of the best man? (Should be done the night before)
- Where will the groom and his guys spend the night before?
- A guests house or someone’s home?
- Pray into the event as boys boys. Leave nothing to chance.
- Will there be photoshoot or video shoot of the dressing up/make up?
- Who will do the photography/videography?
- Has the photographer been booked?
- How many cars will they use to move from dress up point to the venue for the wedding?
- Are you renting the cars or from friends?
- If rent, have they been booked?
- If from friends, have they been contacted and have they released their cars?
- Who are the drivers?
- What time will they set off from the hotel/home to the venue of the ceremony?
- What time should the groom and groomsmen be seated at the wedding venue?
- Who is the maid of honor?
- How many bridesmaids?
- Will there be a page boy and a little bride? If “yes’ have their guardians been contacted?
- Are the bride’s outfit and accessories ready?
- Are their outfits ready?
- Are they getting their outfits or are you?
- Who is doing the make up for the ladies?
- Has the Make Up artist (MUA) been contacted?
- Where will the bride and her bridal team spend the night before?
- A guests house or someone’s home ?
- Hope the bridesmaids spent time in prayer with the bride (and may be the mother’s-in-law).
- Will the MUA coming early in the morning or the night before?
- Will there be photoshoot or video shoot of the dressing up/make up?
- Who will do the photography/videography?
- Has the photographer been booked?
- How many cars will they use to move from dress up point to the venue for the wedding?
- Are you renting the cars or from friends?
- If rent, have they been booked?
- If from friends, have they been contacted and have they released their cars?
- Who are the drivers?
- What time will they set off from the dress up point
- What time should the bridal team reach the wedding venue?
Guests admire a bride who is on time. So please dear bride, try to be at your wedding in good time.
If there is a room in the church or venue you can relax and wait till you are called up, exploit that.
People you will need on the day. Your loyal friends. Gents and ladies you trust who can do the work and look out for your best interests. Not just cos you like them.
#TeamMRandMRSasomesi should comprise (but not restricted to)
- MC(s) (to preside over affairs)
- Technical head (To make sure your venue has light, and all the PA and instruments are set)
- Music head (In charge of songs and minstrels and the band)
- Gift table head (in charge of receiving gifts and presents and the guest book)
- Transport head (In charge of the vehicles moving the couple and their teams, and conveying the food, and in most cases, the family to and fro)
- Refreshment head (also in Charge of getting the cake ready and decor ready),
- Protocol and ushering head (In charge of keeping order and the sitting arrangement at the venue)
- Someone in charge of your wardrobe (In the event of a costume emergency, you need some spare clothing that still fits the occasion. (Not a second wedding gown) You may not need this. But worth noting.
- Your make up artiste could be there also – on stand by (in case of any make over emergencies) If you need her the whole day, you book her the whole day. If she is your friend, well praise the Lord. Free make overs.
- One in charge of safe keeping your rings (the best man will do)
- RSVPs (In charge of giving directions to the event venues and handle your mobile phones. Cos there will be times you can’t answer your calls.) To make their work much easier, add google map locations and draw the directional map on the invites (soft and hard copy forms)
- Someone in charge of checking the checklist hehehehe – A Planner or Coordinator, who makes sure every one is doing their assigned tasks and are on time.
- Gift table people can serve dual roles and double up as RSVP your invitations.
- The Bestman and maid of honor can handle your personal phones during the occasion. Your siblings or other close friends Or anyone you trust to give you and your callers updates yet will not disrupt the event, could also serve this purpose.
Now let’s go into details of the ceremony.
- Where will it be held?
- A church or a garden or a hall or home of the parents of the bride?
- Will you do any decor?
- Who will do the decor?
- When will they start and finish setup?
- What is your choice of decor (style, color, props etc)
- Is your programme lineup for the day drawn?
- Who are the invited ministers?
- Who is officiating the marriage?
- Who is giving the sermon?
- Who is the MC?
- Who is making sure both families are at the venue on time
- Who is walking the bride down the aisle and giving her away?
- Who is in charge of music?
- Do you have any special songs requests?
- Do you have any special song ministers you wish to minister in songs on the day. Communicate these early to the one in charge of the music. Have the songs to be played through the PA been tested on the PA to see if they play fine?
- Do you have a back up of the songs on a drive just in case the first option gets corrupted?
- Who signs your marriage certificate? Groom and brides sides
- Have they been contacted?
- Will you cut your cake at the trad marriage, or white wedding or reception?
- When will the cake arrive at the location?
- Who directs the photography taking? It could be the MC for the wedding or the MC for the reception or anyone at all. Just make sure he or she is aware before the day.
- Is your photography lineup drawn?
Some couples take exclusives after the wedding ceremony. It may be at the same venue or a different, more private location away from the guests. It may be in the same or different outfits. It’s all about choices.
The MUA is needed to do some touch ups, so they look good for the reception.
Now let us give the checklist for a couple who chooses to have a Reception or who chooses to do a Cocktail after the wedding ceremony.
- Will you have a reception, or cocktail? OR
- Will you rather distribute hampers containing small chops after the ceremony?
- If reception, where will you have it?
-A house
-A hall
-A hotel
-A garden
– The wedding venue - Who will do the setup and decor?
- When will they start and finish?
- How many people are you planning for? That will determine the number of chairs and tables
- Who are your ushers/protocol for reception?
- Will you have a high table?
- Who are the dignitaries?
- Who is the chair?
- Is it a buffet or a packed meal?
- Will there be live music (band and singers) or just PA with a sound guy
- Is your reception program me drawn?
- Who is the reception MC get someone who is not boring?
- Do you have any special display for the reception?
Dance choreography by the couple and/or bridal team
Will there be a guest song minister or choir to minister in songs?
Etc - How long should this session last?
- Who helps the couple cut the cake?
- Who and who pop the champagnes? Inform them NOW!
- Who proposes the Toast?
- What song for couples dance?
- Who gives the vote of thanks?
It could be the couple
Someone else - Who says the opening and who does the closing prayer
If I left out any thing out, pardon me. You can type it in the comment section and I’d update the checklist.
- Where will it be at?
A rented hall
A house
A hotel
The wedding venue - Has it been booked?
- Whats the nature of the cocktail?
Small chops
Popping champagne
Etc - Draw a workable yet interesting programme line up and get a good MC.
Who will pop the champagne? Inform them. - When (time) will the event end?
- Who does the opening prayer, closing prayer, vote of thanks? Inform them.
- Get someone in charge of monies for the entire event.
- Assign a vehicle for the gifts, presents and monies. Let a trustworthy friend or sibling accompany the merchandise 😅.
We have heard of couple whose monies and gifts never got to its intended destination. Not a good way to start the honey moon.
Get a guest book for the wedding and reception guests to fill.
Couple is going to call every last one of the guests to show appreciation for attending and for the gifts and any other Favors they may have given.
- Will there be a honey moon?
Though it is not a must, I will encourage newly weds to answer YES to this question. Let me answer for you, Please YES. By all means, have some sorta moon; honey moon, sugar moon, orange moon, chocolate moon etc just have a moon. My people, you berra consummate that marriage and give me some nieces and nephews oo. hahahaha That is by the way. - Will you have it in your new home or a guest house, resort center or abrokyire (Dubai 😂😅 I beg oo, cut your coat according to your size and pocket)
- Is it booked already?
- Have you prepared enough for it?
- Psychologically
- Materially
- Financially.
- Read books, and psyche yourselves for the “Alone time”. What else? Why did you think the honeymoon is so hyped?
- Don’t come back from the honey moon poor ooo. 😂😂😅 Watch your expenses. Don’t buy the entire mall.
The wedding day is just a day. You still have your entire married lives ahead of you. Don’t squander all your savings on just that day or week or month, depending on how long your honey moon is.
Don’t spend all that money to make a name or make a statement or as a competition.
- Where will the couple live?
- Is it conducive for living?
- Wedding web site.
You can make a Free one on WordPress or get someone to do it.
Please it is not a must. Just a suggestion - Pre-photoshoot (now its trending) and photography people normally throw that in as an incentive. You can upload those pics on your wedding site. But your social media is just fine.
Nice quality pics and videos capturing nice moments make your event memorable.
Please it is not a must. Just another suggestion - You know your beloved’s cravings, wish-haves, turn-ons, etc. SURPRISE HIM/HER
Be creative. Internet is there and you know yourselves. Your likes and dislikes. It may not cost you much or it could be expensive. It all depends on your pocket. Just try to add some glitter to the already awesome day. - Get a hashtag that is unique to your event. It could be created from your names. The hash tag enables every content posted online about your wedding or traditional marriage/engagement, to be gathered at one place.
- Family drama
- Food drama
- Leaving out a group you belong to from the photos
- Poor planning (have a plan B in case things doesn’t go as planned)
- Doing things yourself on your day. Plan so well that you have people doing what needs to be done as you concentrate to do your part – “GETTING MARRIED”
- Embarrassing your spouse. Impromptu stuffs that your spouse isn’t ready for.
e.g. Formation or free style dancing knowing well that he/she is not a good dancer and doesn’t handle embarrassment well. But it wont be bad if you are performing while he/she watches. Some spouses are spontaneous and can easily join in for fun.
I strongly recommend that you keep your event as God centered as possible. He cannot be mocked. You start with Him and then end with the devil? Naaa!! That is not not koraa. Let everyone know, Parents, Friends, Colleagues and well wishers, know that you will not compromise on your standards and Christian values.
Above all have fun in the Lord. It is your day after all.
You can still have a classic wedding that will not drain your savings and live you in debt. Please these are not all, just some that came to me this morning as I helped my friend. Please don’t be restricted by these. It is just a checklist. Feel free to add and take out as it suites your needs. Be creative and make your event as memorable. It starts now. You see in your mind’s eye how your event will be.
I believe you will be on track if you follow this checklist.
Have a glorious Christ centered wedding ceremony, reception/cocktail, honey moon and marriage.
Don’t forget to appreciate your #TeamMRandMRSasomesi they don’t need payment but a small get together in your home will not be bad koraa ✌🏿😋
Stay blessed
Clement Afreh
(CEO of CBCInc Ushering and Events Company @CBCIncUshers)
RUUG Ushering Agency of the year: 2019, 2020, 2021,
GESA Ushering Agency of the year: 2022
AWVA Ushering Agency of the year: 2022
SEE ALSO: Sonnie Badu And The Safari Exeperience
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1 Comment
Very educational