By Clement Afreh (@CBCInc_Hypes)
Posted on 11/12/2021
Throughout the years SAGMA (The Stellar Awards) have been kind to me. I won Artist Of The Year 2 consecutive years in a row.
In 2006 for my “I Speak Life” Album then again in 2007 for TriCity Singers Finale’. I decided to forfeit the 2007 Artist Of The Year Award and present it to Tye Tribbett as he and his group hit the scene so hard. His creativity, his uniqueness.
I just felt it was the right thing to do so when I went up to receive the award to everyone’s surprise I gave the award to him. Thank you Stellar Gospel Music Awards for capturing this heartfelt moment.
I knew then Tye would continue to do AMAZING things and I was RIGHT!!!

Published by: Clement Afreh CBCInc Hypes
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