From 2016 to 2019, I had to undergo six surgeries. The last surgery I had was planned on my birthday😳.
On 16th August 2019, a critical surgery was scheduled to retrieve a lost mirena coil that was inserted following the advise of my one of consultants (a well experienced gynaecologist).
He advised the mirena coil was going to reduce the heavy and irregular menstrual periods I was experiencing constantly.
6 months after the insertion of the IUD, I nearly lost my life (womb infection, dizziness, bleeding, chronic migraine, lack of concentration and many other symptoms).
The 16th August 2019 planned surgery was the most complicated and outrageous surgery one can imagine to go through🥺. The surgery was then moved to 6th August 2019.
On the day of the surgery, I thought I was not going to survive😢🥺 My hope was lost.
I went to the theatre room and came back alive. That surgery was so quick and another miracle happened, no complications happened, apart from being unable to walk for few days, but the lion in me pushed me to walk 3 days post the surgery🤣😂.
These are many of the reasons that motivate me to continue to be the Voice for women and young girls suffering from reproductive health disorders.
Today I am blessed to be alive to continue to inspire others.
Written by Elizabeth Amoaa (Goodwill Ambassador for UNACWCA)