The most difficult period in every child of God’s life is when you are faced with adversity and He goes silent. In those moments, you question your faith, you do all the checks and balances, trying to figure out why the one who loves you the most to give up His son for you has gone silent.
The Bible says Joseph among his 12 brothers was deeply loved by his father. It is evident from his dreams that he was graced, highly favored among all his brothers. This favor triggered him been sold into slavery at the age of 17. God goes silent when he was sold by his own brothers. He makes it into Potiphar’s house as a steward. He is imprisoned for something he refused to do because it would go against God. He is lied upon and jailed and God goes silent again.
One would think God will rise and strike down Potiphar’s wife and defend Joseph immediately, because He can but He goes quiet. The Bible says even after interpreting the dream of the chief steward in prison, he stayed in prison for two years and he had even forgotten about him. God was seeing all that but he was silent. The pain, the humiliation Joseph might have been going through, I’m very confident he never stopped praying but God was silent. He only showed up when the time was perfect to break Joseph out and through permanently!
God took him from jail and made him a governor over all of Egypt at the age of 30. From age 17 to 30, Joseph faced all sorts of betrayal, pain and humiliation, and all those years God remained silent on his case. But when God showed up, the same people that hated him, betrayed him, humiliated him were made to witness his glory. Don’t be afraid, God will show up and when He does, those who called you all sorts of names will be the same people asking you who your God is!
The Grace and Favor of God can be very controversial. You will think that when you are highly favored, things will come easy, God will always show up when you fall but that is not always the case. The Bible says for 19 years Hannah prayed for a child from God. Year after year when she visited the temple, the Bible says she will not eat and wept unto God for a child because her rival mocked her so much. All those years God saw her, He heard her, saw her pain and humiliation but was still silent. But when He showed up, He showed up big and His miracle was permanent.
I don’t know what you are going through at this point in your life but I’m not here to give you false hopes. I’m here to let you know that I’m also experiencing His silence but I believe He will show up and His timing will not only be perfect but my breakthroughs will be permanent and so glorious. I’m here to let you know that in as much as we feel that God has gone silent on us, He will show up. The silence of God is very painful, very confusing especially when you have prayed all the prayers, fasted, stayed in His presence waiting patiently for your breakthrough and things keep getting worse.
As a child of God, you must learn how to be still and live in His silence. Because after that silence, is his perfect will for you. Job lost everything, but never left God’s presence when He went silent. Everything Job lost was replaced in many folds when he learnt how to live in God’s silence.
After that silence is always a mega breakthrough that will shake the foundation of human understanding.
Never forget that He is God and His ways are perfect! Amen!
~Esther Agyeiwaa Danquah
SEE ALSO: Elizabeth Amoaa: The 6th Surgery Was On My Birthday
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