Extollo Jésu is an annual event hosted by Emma Kusi, that brings children of God from all works of life to gather in a time of worship, praise, thanksgiving and seed sowing.
This year, the guests on the bill for Extollo Jesu are Ps Joe Beecham, Hannah Marfo, Kwaku Gyasi, Eunice Cofie, Seth Manu, Steve Impact, Alice Serwaa and Krystabel Songbird.
Out of this yearly event, proceeds from Extollo Jesu are used for the sharing of free bibles, free medical screenings, blood donations and the project to support for the oncology department of KATH.
This is a department which handles children living with cancer. This year, we seek to support them with our proceeds and you can partner with us by buying a ticket. A percentage of the proceeds from ticket sales for Extoll Jesu will be used for this project.
The tickets go for 30ghc(single) and 50ghc(double).
You can buy through MOMO on 0555015836 and you will receive your ticket.
NB: Kindly use your mobile number as Reference when you buy via MOMO
Buy a ticket, save a child. It is possible with you.
See flyer for extra details

Published by: Clement Afreh CBCInc Hypes @clementafreh
SEE ALSO: Ruthie Boat’s PRAISE TRAIN is here again.
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