What is in your hands?
When I was called into ministry two things happened to me. A woman called me and said “the ministry is not about singing. Don’t think singing alone will make the ministry. Go and lead the people in prayer and preach to them.”? Well what did I know. I took it in.
Fast forward we got to BOLGA and I met a very biiig man, Aps. Isaac Nii Kotei Djani of the Church of Pentecost. He said “Emma while here, if it is singing you will sing for God to do what he wants to do just sing. Through your singing God will do what he wants to do! That is what God has given you, use it.”
His statement hit me and was my energizer for I was deeply troubled when I got to BOLGA because I didn’t know how and where to start so his words came as a great relief.
Young man or young lady reading this, “What is in your hands?” Many times we leave what God has naturally endowed us with and go chasing after “other things”
God asked Moses “what is in your hands?” He replied “a staff.” God said “throw it to the ground.” See God will always magnify what is in your hands to your advantage. Stop chasing after shadows and things which are not in your reach.
The very gift in you. The very talent God gave you. The very natural ability he gave to you, if only you will put it to work, He will magnify it, package it better, blow it up and publish it to the world on your behalf.
Child of God this is the time to use the very gift in your hands. Is it your voice? Use it, is it your hands, make it count, is it your brains, put it to work, is it your feet, start juggling the ball, what is in your hands?
Begin to identify what is in your hands and put it to work, God has surely already wired you for greatness.
I’m not sure the number of people who have heard me preach or lead prayer. That is not to say I can’t preach or lead prayer. However that which many have seen is that natural gift God put in my hands. The singing which comes naturally is what God has used to do what he wants to do. Don’t waste what God has put in your hands
Stay motivated: SofoQB

Published by: Clement Afreh CBCInc Hypes @clementafreh
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