Pastor Fonis Poku, a Ghanaian-born gospel minstrel, currently resides in the United States. She was born in Kotobabi, a neighborhood in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, as the third of five children. Her early life in Ghana was marked by numerous challenges, including periods of scarcity. However, it was also in Ghana that her journey with Christ began. At just six years old, she was introduced to Christianity through a local club and the nurturing environment of fellow believers. Despite her young age, she accepted Christ, feeling a deep sense of His love, even though she did not fully understand the faith at that time. Her upbringing was characterized by good manners and a cultured lifestyle.
Pastor Fonis Poku’s educational journey took her to Aggrey Memorial School and later to the University of Ghana, where she earned a degree in Business Administration. During her secondary school years, she became an active member of the Scripture Union (SU), eventually rising to the position of music director by Form 4. This role marked the beginning of her lifelong ministry in music. Additionally, she holds a Master’s in Business Administration from Morgan State University and a Master’s in Divinity from Winning Grace Bible Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.
Music has always been at the heart of Pastor Fonis Poku’s ministry. She began singing at the age of nine and was influenced by renowned gospel artists such as Daughters of Glorious Jesus, Tagoe Sisters, and Stella Dugan. Her music journey has been both progressive and educative, enabling her to minister effectively within her local community. Initially, she focused on ministering locally, content with the impact she was making. However, she later felt a divine calling to extend her reach and become a blessing to a wider audience.
After moving to the United States, Pastor Fonis Poku met her husband, and together they have built a loving family with four children. In 2004, she co-founded Word of Life Chapel International with her husband, where she currently serves as an associate pastor. Alongside her pastoral duties, she also works full-time as a Human Resource Officer.
One of Pastor Fonis Poku’s most significant songs, “YAHWEH,” was inspired during a Sunday morning prayer session. The song unfolded gradually as she sought divine guidance, and it has since become a testament to her passion for music and ministry. Her work continues to touch the hearts of many, both locally and internationally.
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Published by: Clement Afreh CBCInc Hypes @clementafreh
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